We Need You
Dal 27.03.2020 al 31.12.2023
ITA - WE NEED YOU: L’appello dei direttori del DMM, DiBio, DSB e DSF.
ENG - WE NEED YOU: The call made by the Directors of the University of Padua Departments, DMM, DiBio, DSB and DSF.
Dal 27.03.2020 al 31.12.2023
ITA - WE NEED YOU: L’appello dei direttori del DMM, DiBio, DSB e DSF.
ENG - WE NEED YOU: The call made by the Directors of the University of Padua Departments, DMM, DiBio, DSB and DSF.
Dal 19.03.2020 al 19.03.2021
all the updated projects by the School of Medicine