Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Herewith you can find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

If you will not find them please you can write an email to


General Questions

  At the End of your Erasmus / International Stay

I have a question: how does it work when I finished my Erasmus? What do I do with my book and who wrote my "transcript of records"? I can start immediately after the last exam? Thanks for your answer in advance. Best Regards

1 - please see the following page and click on At the End of Your Stay

2 - your booklet (green book) must be delivered to the International Office of the School of Medicine. please take an appointment 4/5 days before by email to   Your Transcrip of Records will be producted immediately during the appointment

3 - you can come back not before A)the appoitment to the International Office of the School of Medicine B) fill out the Final Form and print it, please see the point nr 1 here C)to go to the International Office of the University of Padua in order to bring your Final Form printed and get your Erasmus Certificate