American-Italian Cancer Foundation
The American-Italian Cancer Foundation (AICF) is a New York-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that funds up to 20 post-doctoral research fellowships each year for outstanding young scientists from Italy who join laboratories in major cancer centers in the United States to perform groundbreaking research and compete at the global level.
Fellowships are avaliable for Italians working at American institution and for Americans working at Italian institution.
Awards are applicable for the 2016-17 academic year.
Candidates must have received their advanced degrees within the past three years.
Fellowships are a two-year commitment, pending favorable review of outcomes in year one.
The deadline to submit an application is February 29, 2016 at 11:59 PM EST.
For more information, visit www.americanitaliancancer.org
or contact via email at fellowship@americanitaliancancer.org